Career Guidance / College Mentoring

Home / Career Guidance / College Mentoring
  • Name:

  • Email:

  • Phone Number:

  • Current occupation/role or School/Grade:

  • Industry/field of interest:

  • Why are you interested in a mentorship?

  • Briefly explain why you are interested in seeking mentorship and how it will help you achieve your career goals:

  • What are your goals for the mentorship?

  • Outline the specific areas you want to work on and what you hope to achieve during the mentorship:

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  • Share your strengths and areas where you excel, as well as your weaknesses and areas where you feel you could improve:

  • What do you hope to learn from your mentor?

  • Detail the skills, knowledge, and experience you hope to gain from your mentor and how you plan to apply it to your career :